Epic Mickey Wii Patch Generator

This generator can create a custom cmdline.txt file for use on a softmodded Wii. The file includes launch properties for Epic Mickey such as the boot level and various other settings. Choose your settings and click "Download Riivolution Patch" to download the Riivolution files, or click "View cmdline.txt" to view the generated cmdline file. If you need help, click here.

NOTE: Though the patch is relatively harmless, the author is not responsible for any damage to personal property or save files as a result of incorrectly using this tool or any of the documentation on this site.

Need help? Click here for guide and FAQ.


Enable all abilities (gives Mickey the brush, spin move, and 5 of each sketch)
Show wrist strap screen (uncheck box to bypass)



©2018 andrew.plus. This project uses JSZip (license) and FileSaver (license).

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